6 Inevitable Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Many people today are treating the wrong diseases. This is especially so when a certain symptom results from stress. In most cases, various complications can be diagnosed and they all point to one condition. The main reason as to why stress has become prevalent is due to the fact that people are doing whatever it takes to make a considerable living. The results of the hard work have been the birth of adrenal fatigue. This is a health problem that leads to weakness physically, emotionally and mentally. The problem has been known to result from stress. There are a number of adrenal fatigue symptoms that one can look at to determine whether you have the problem or not.

1.     Hypoglycemia

This is a common symptom that can occur to people of all ages. It results from low blood sugar which is also known as low blood glucose. This is a condition that is seen when the blood glucose falls below the normal levels. As a result of this, one gets palpitations, lightheadedness and sweating. The symptom can be diagnosed better by a physician.

2.     Abnormalities in Menstrual Cycle

This is a problem that is seen in women. When one is stressed up, the menstrual cycles become irregular. Some people go to the extent of missing a cycle. The problem results from the overproduction of the female hormone known as estrogen. The hormone is produced in higher levels than the progesterone. The problem has been known to results from adrenal dysfunction. Due to the imbalance, women never experience regular menstrual periods in times of adrenal fatigue.

3.     Irritability

Another common adrenal fatigue symptom is increased irritability. Most people, especially men, suffering from this condition become easily irritated. The problem has been attributed to the imbalance in the endocrine system. This is part of the adrenal glands which is affected significantly incase of an adrenal fatigue. People at this condition can be irritated by almost everything including a joke.

4.     Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In times of stress, digestive systems are disrupted. As a result of this, the overall digestive system is affected. When the adrenal glands fail, acid-alkaline balance fails to function normally. The results of this are abnormalities which lead to irritable bowel syndrome.

5.     Mild Depression

The stressing of the adrenal glands leads to depression. This is a common problem that most people face when suffering from adrenal fatigue. Stress leads to build up of depression. The immune system has also been known to weaken. The mood of a person changes completely.

6.     Hyper-pigmentation

When there is adrenal insufficiency, the skin starts to darken. This has been attributed to the fact that melanocyte-stimulating hormone affects the overall production of melanocytes. Melanocytes are the skin cells charged with the production of skin pigmentation. Hyper-pigmentation results from abnormal production of melanocytes.

Most of the adrenal fatigue symptoms can pose as symptoms of other conditions. This is what calls for the need to be meticulous when diagnosing a given symptom. The patients are advised to seek professional care before choosing a remedy. All in all, the best thing that one can do is to stay from stressing activities. The work done in a day should also be reduced.